JSYK - Just so you know

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    Have you ever eaten a whiting? If not then you should really make it a must do. They are a lovely eating fish and particularly so here in Cardigan bay where they run big and fat and full of flavour. There is a commercial prawn fishery here that runs all winter long and guess what the whiting like to feed on? So much so that the locals here refer to the whiting having a pink sheen to their flesh...now I wonder why that is! Come out with us next spring when the whiting are feeding and catch your own. You will not be disappointed.

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    Its a perfectly fair criticism of Epic that we do always catch big fish for customers. We don't and we are perfectly happy to admit that. Lets face it, the sea is full of fish of all shapes and sizes and we are always going to catch a mixed bag. It is worth remembering that for some folk even a small fish is a great catch. If you have never caught a shark before, such as this Gent, then a small shark is still a whoop whoop moment. So if you fancy your own whoop whoop moment then why not come and catch a small fish... just make it one you have never caught before!

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    As the sun rises over New Quay the sun is beginning to set on our epic fishing trips for another season. Our first thought is a huge shout out thanks to all that joined us this season. If you missed us then don't worry we will be back next year. And there may well be a last minute trip that you can jump on through late Sept and October. Drop us an email through our contact us page and we'll always try to help.

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    We can not believe that its the beginning of September... where did all of the summer holiday weeks disappear to? We hope you managed to join us on one of our fab 1.5hr Epic Fishing Trips but if you didn't grab an opportunity, well fear not there is still plenty of time to do so. Trips keep going all through September. Just get yourself sorted and booked online. Hope to see you soon..

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    Don't you just love a happy catch pic? We marvel at the fun things that happen whilst out on our now famous Epic fishing trips. One never knows just what is going to go on and we suppose that this is absolutely the fun of fishing. The change during any particular day can be amazing to behold. One trip is busy for fish, the next quieter. One trip catches a surprise catch - say a Cod or a Bass and the next trip fills buckets full of mackerel. Always different but always fun. No wonder that we use the catch phrase (excuse the pun) 'fun filled fishing for all the family'.

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    Happiness is a mackerel! Fancying a smile... come catch a mackerel today and make yourself happy. We don't know why but catching mackerel is a hugely fun thing to do!

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    And the Mackerel keep coming. Young or just young at hear there are always fish to be caught on one of our epic fishing trips. This is the place in New Quay to make family memories. We all remember going mackerel fishing as kids, its just one of those activities that we remember.

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    Who would have believed it.. a beautiful sea bream on an Epic Fishing Trip! Now that is a bonus catch for this Gent. We love to see sea bream coming up and its becoming an increasingly frequent occurrence which is good news for everyone (except the sea bream!) These fish make great eating and for sure, there is always a happy customer when one show up. Why not come and try your luck at catching one. Just ask the skipper for a couple of tips and you never know, it might be pan fried fillet of bream for tea!

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    We often get asked whether we catch any other sorts of fish as well as Mackerel. Well, the answer to this is a resounding Yes. When drift fishing with lures - which is what we do all summer long - you can catch all sorts of fish. Just like this beautiful Gurnard in the picture. There are no vegetarian fish in these waters and as they are all predators they will all take lures; from Bass to Cod, Mackerel to Garfish we've caught them all. If you fancy trying for something else other than a Mackerel, please ask us and we will advice you how to change your fishing technique.

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    It is mackerel time and and this time of year we start our family fun mackerel fishing trips full on! These 1.5hr trips are long enough to get out and catch some fish but not too long as it can be a challenge being out on a choppy sea for any longer. These trips are great for family and friends to share some quality time aboard a quality boat doing a quality family activity. #familymemoriesmadehere

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    It is about this time of year when the main 'run' of sea bream arrive. And what a joy they always are.., plucky fighters and a super fun bite combine to make them a choice catch. We love to see them and this particular fish is a real beauty. Its a male fish and you can tell that by its iridescent blue markings. This angler was well chuffed with his catch and well he should be as it is not only a wonderful fish but a wonderful supper ahead!

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    Epic fishing trips; fun for all the family. Whether you are a group of Dad's and son's, mums and son's, sisters and brothers or Grand Parents you are all welcome on an Epic fishing trip. All are always made to feel welcome, get a short safety brief on departure and when we reach the fishing grounds are given a short, fun and informative fishing demo to get you up to speed and catching fish. All you need to do is wind them in! Oh and light the BBQ :)

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    Big Tope Shark on an Epic Fishing trip = NIIICCEE. Tope season or as its known in angling slang, 'toping' is in full swing and anglers are having a ball. Tope are the most aggressive fish we target, hard fishing shock and awe beauties and we love 'em. There is only a couple of weeks of the season left for Tope and its vital that you keep an eye on our social media for sudden upcoming spaces. slots can crop up for a myriad of reasons and despite being fully booked out as I write, I wouldn't be surprised if something became available. www.facebook.com/epicfishintrips & www.instagram.com/epicfishingtrips

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    Shocker! We don't always catch fish on an Epic fishing trip. Odd claim you might think? It is very much a fact on some trips we catch no fish and on other trips we catch other species that frequent the wonderful Cardigan Bay, such as this lovely Cuttlefish. We often get asked what is the strangest thing we see caught and its not always an easy question to answer, one mans strange is another's normal; But a Cuttlefish must be right up there in the odd stakes.

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    June is Tope time and we are now busy running Tope fishing trips. Its all part of the way Epic runs its business, fish for fish that are in season. Tope season, go Tope fishing. This years trips and charters are all fully booked out at the moment but keep an eye on ours social media, Facebook & Instagram etc., for news and updates because sometimes slots do come up to grab.

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    Its Mackerel time.. Yeeeee :) we love Mackerel time. From now on and right through to the end of the season, it is all about these wonderful fish. Great to catch, scrappy fighters and one of the best eating fish that swims; now is the time to catch Mackerel. So as of today our family fun trips are 1.5hr Mackerel fishing trips. Now that is something to celebrate! Trips are up and available online and things a booking up for the Bank Holiday weekend. It is worth getting your places booked and joining us on an Epic mackerel fishing trip.

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    We are often asked, 'what are the unusual catches that we see?' It is not always an easy question to answer as what might be common to us can be very unusual to the person asking. So here's one - the Octopus. Yup we catch a lot of these fellows and they are always a welcome sight. Fun on the deck, with their instant colour and shape changes. They are an odd mix of being utterly compelling and yet also, slightly intimidating. Whatever they are, they are always a fun catch that gives customers a story to tell. If you fancy catching your own then May is a great time, both because now is the time but also because we are continuing to bottom fish with bait. That changes towards the end of may when its all about Mackerel. So come Octopus fishing now :)

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    Did you know that May is the perfect time of year to hook up on big Bull Huss? Well you do now.. This fish in pic is a cracker but they come bigger than that and when they do, you don't half know it because boy do they pull! They are a Cat Shark - that's 100% shark - and their proper name is the Greater Spotted Dog Fish but we like the name Bull Huss better - it feels meaner and that kinda suits the fish. They are mean predators and once on the boat just want to bite. This all makes them a special catch and luckily here in Cardigan Bay there is a strong population of them. So if you haven't caught one.. please come and give it a go. Shhhaaarrrk on!

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    We love the early May Bank Holiday. Why? We hear you ask. Well, the fishing is generally very good and the weather is generally warm. What a perfect combo, good fishing and good warm weather! These days always fill quickly with bookings and it is worth considering getting you places booked in advance to beat the rush. We can only carry 12 customers per trip and this can be an obvious limitation. We can not remember whether this lady booked early but she sure caught a great fish!

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    At this time of year the Mackerel have not arrived. We have heard whispers of some being caught in and around south Wales (which is good news as they are on their way) and never say never but really its too early for Cardigan Bay. It is all about the environment here. It is such a shallow sea, it gets very coloured with sediment all winter long due to wind and wave action. Mackerel will not feed in coloured water - well not if given the chance - they'll swim off top somewhere clearer. So just in case you are wondering; we are not fishing for Mackerel yet, at least until the water clears. Come late May and that story will change. Well, at least we are saving you having to buy charcoal for the BBQ as yet :)

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    And we are off and running! Trips are up and available online (just hit the BOOK NOW button) and we are out and fishing. Delighted to say that its all going well with plenty of fish and happy fishers. April is a fun month because it is the time for the big female spur dog sharks. They are always a fun catch and put up a huge scrap when hooked. Amongst them come the whiting and codling which are the prime eating fish for this time of year. Now that would be a fun way to enjoy a few holiday hours, prepping your own whiting fillets and chips...YUM!

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    Right now we are running our two hour bait fishing trips and they are proving to be a as much of a hit as they always do. It is bait fishing but it is done well as we do all the messy bits for you. Yup that's correct, we put all the bait on the hook and take the fish off. All you have to do is haul them in and plan your feast for later on that day. There are some lovely big whiting coming up at the moment and a whiting makes a great meal. A delicate fish with a taste similar to Cod. Worth catching and definitely worth eating :)

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    Have a look at 22nd June! We are running a share boat 8hr reef and rough ground fishing trip on that day and booking is now live. Spaces are limited with only maximum nine persons aboard. Tackle is provided if required and its a great time of year to see many different species. So hit the book now button, search 22nd June and get yourself an 8hr fishing trip sorted!

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    Fancy doing this...? Its a social media post to end all social media posts and one to make all of your friends and family green with envy. After all how many people do you know that have cuddled a shark? If you are not in a group where you could consider chartering the whole boat and fancy joining a share boat trip with others, well now is your chance. If you hit the BOOK NOW button and search under 9th June and 15th June you'll find two trips available. These trips are with limited numbers and with our target species the enigmatic Tope shark in peak season, we'd be hopeful of a successful trip. We have some of the best Tope fishing to be found in the UK here and you'll miss a great opportunity if you don't grab your space. We'll look forward to seeing you for some shark cuddling action.

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